Submitting your competition entry
This Mario AI competition is divided into two phases, associated with leading conferences on CI and game development. All controllers submitted on or before August 18 will take part in the ICE-GIC phase. Competitors will then have until September 3 to update their controllers before the CIG phase. There will be separate cash prizes for each phase, and the results of each phase will be presented at the associated conference. You can win any of the phases without being present at the associated conference; however, the prize money will go to the best-performing competitor that is present and registered at the conference. After the full competition, the scores will also be presented on this web page, along with
complete source code for each submitted controller.
Your competition entries should be submitted by email to
both Sergey Karakovskiy and
Julian Togelius. The subject line of the mail should be "MARIOSUBMISSION firstname lastname", with firstname and lastname replaced with your first and last name.
Controllers written in any language are welcome, as long as they can be interfaced to an unmodified version of the marioai package - directly if written in Java, through the TCP interface otherwise. In any case, the controllers must be able to run in real time on an Intel machine running either Mac OS X (preferred), Ubuntu Linux or Windows XP.
Please send your competition score, as measured using the CompetitionScore class with seed 0, along with your submission; we will rerun the Stats with a new seed to determine your final score. The submission should include complete instructions for how to run your controller, especially if you are not using Java. The submission should also include complete source code, and a short description of how it works.
You can resubmit your controller as many times as you like, in however modified versions, up until August 18 23:59 CET (for the ICE-GIC competition) or September 3 23:59 CET (for the CIG competition).
If you develop your controller using a combination of Java code and some learning algorithm (as will be the case for the majority of the contestants) the following submission format is strongly encouraged, in order to make life as easy as possibly for all of us:
A .zip file containing:
- A WOX file with the particular learned parameters (e.g. neural network connection weights) of your controller, called firstnamelastname.xml (e.g. juliantogelius.xml)
- The source code for any java classes used in a directory called firstnamelastname (e.g. juliantogelius). The java classes should therefore be in a package with the same name as the directory (e.g. a class could be called juliantogelius.NeuralNetwork, and be located in juliantogelius/ It is perfectly fine to not use any classes of your own at all, and just submit a WOX file specifying parameters for one of the predefined controller representations.
- Any external libraries, if used, in a separate jar file named firstnamelastname.jar, e.g. juliantogelius.jar.
- A short text document or (preferrably) 2-4 Powerpoint or Keynote slides describing your controller and how it was developed.